台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201110 (30:5期)期所有篇 |
- 可避免住院研究回顧對台灣基層醫療照護的意涵 A literature review of preventable hospitalizations: implications for primary care in Taiwan
- 社區復健中心服務對精神分裂症病患後續醫療利用之影響 The effects of community rehabilitation services for patients with schizophrenia on the utilization of health services
- 職場經期健康與生理假實施初探 A preliminary study on menstrual health and menstrual leave in the workplace in Taiwan
- 社經地位與健康路徑關係之性別差異 Gender differences in a pathway linking socioeconomic status and health
- 鄰里層次社會資本與個人層次特質對嚼檳榔行為之多層次分析 A multilevel analysis of neighborhood-level social capital and individual-level characteristics in relation to betel quid chewing behavior in Taiwan
- 以類神經網路及分類迴歸樹輔助肝癌病患預測存活情形 Prediction of survival in patients with liver cancer using artificial neural networks and classification and regression trees
- 台灣司法從業人員工作壓力與健康功能之性別差異 Gender differences in occupational stress and health among legal professionals in Taiwan
- 非緊急急診病人特性及其相關因素探討 Non-urgent emergency department use by patients in a regional hospital