200103 (46:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣產山黑扁豆屬雜交種之形態學證據 Morphological Evidences for Hybrid of Dumasia (Fabaceae) in Taiwan
- 台灣始新世古難歸類群化石 Eocene Acritarchs of Taiwan
- 台灣魚藤族植物花粉之研究 A Palynological Study of the Tribe Millettieae (Fabaceae) in Taiwan
- 無根草(樟科植物莖寄生)吸器內粒狀導管之發生 Occurrence of Graniferous Tracheary Elements in the Haustorium of Cassytha filiformis Linn., A Stem Parasite of Lauraceae
- 綠島的大型海藻 The Marine Macroalgae of Lu Tao (Green Island), Taiwan
- 荷爾蒙對瀕臨絕種熱帶森林樹種Hildegardia populiforia的器官發生及體胚發育的影響 Effect of Hormones on the Organogenesis and the Somatic Embryogenesis of an Endangered Tropical Forest Tree - Hildegardia populifolia (Roxb.) Schott. & Endl.
- 木麻黃放射菌根瘤的構造與其組織化學的研究 A Structural and Histochemical Study of Actinorhizal Nodules of Casuarina equisetifolia Linn.
- 記二種台灣新歸化植物 Notes on Two Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan