199712 (42:4期)期所有篇 |
- 裂齒苔,台灣產苔類植物新紀錄屬 Dichodontium pellucisum (Hedw.) Schimp. (Dicranaceae), a Species New to Moss Flora of Taiwan
- 台灣始新統之椴樹顆化石花粉 Eocene Tiliaceous Palynomorphs of Taiwan
- 臺灣黏菌(八) Myxomycetes of Taiwan VIII
- 伽碼輻射處理之龍鬚海棠產生之花粉粒的變異 Pollen Variation in Gamma Irradiated Mesembryanthemum criniflorum L. f. (Aizoaceae)
- 榕樹皮孔發育過程中微細構造的研究 Ultrastructural Study on the Development of Lenticels of Ficus microcarpa L. f.
- 印度沙穗的花粉量限制在降低種子產量中所扮演的角色 Pollen Limitation in Eremostachys superba Royle ex Benth. (Labiatae) and its Role in Loss of Seed Production
- 臺灣之網孔蕈類(八) The Boletes of Taiwan (VIII)
- 玉米營養組織對zein蛋白合成的影響 Effects of Vegetative Source on Zein Synthesis in Maize