198907 (34:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣新記錄種,藍色麗殼菌(皮殼菌科,擔子菌綱) Pulcherricium caeruleum (Fr.) Parm. (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycetes), A New Record from Taiwan
- 臺灣黏菌(5)──兩種新記錄種 Myxomycetes of Taiwan V.–Two New Records
- 臺灣菟絲子的吸器與寄主 Host Plants and the Haustorium of Cuscuta Japonica Choisy var. Formosa (Hay.) Yunker (Convolvulaceae)
- 臺灣山毛櫸森林之組成與結構 Structure and Floristic Composition of the Beech Forest in Taiwan
- 臺灣植物誌之觀察(3)──植物雜記 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (3)–The miscellaneous plants
- 臺灣植物誌之觀察(4)──合歡屬(豆科) Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (4)–The Albizia Durazz. (Leguminosae)
- 臺灣植物誌之觀察(5)──臺灣唐松草屬(毛茛科) Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (5)–The Thalictrum Tournef. ex L. (Ranunculaceae)
- 臺灣苔癬植物紀要(1-36) Notes on Bryophytes of Taiwan (1-36)