198008 (25:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣區內水污染對農作物生長之影響III.——塑膠工廠、造紙工廠、及石油化學工廠之廢水對農作物毒害之影響 Impacts of Water Pollution of Crop Growth in Taiwan III. The Detrimental Effects of Industrial Waste Waters from Plastic, Paper, and Petroleum Factories in Taiwan
- 大豆幼苗之Stringent-like反應 Stringent-Like Response in Soybean Seedlings
- 三種不同的酸萃取大豆下胚軸組蛋白之比較研究 Comparative Study of Different Acid-Extraction of Histones from Soybean Hypocotyls
- 誘導根瘤菌產生固氮活性之研究 Induction of Nitrogen Fixing (Acetylene Reduction) Activity of Rhizobia Growing Symbiotically and Asymbiotically with Soybean Callus Tissues
- 白千層木栓組織內之卡氏帶 Casparian Strips in the Lattice-Work Phellem of Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L.
- 臺灣中新世之化石孢粉(V)──被子植物花粉 Miocene Palynomorphs of Taiwan (V)–Angiosperm grains
- 不同表示方法對薺薴族羣外表型分類之影響 Effects of Different Numerical Techniques on Phenetic Classification of Mosla Complex (Labiatae) at population Level
- 臺灣的兩種新記錄植物 Two New Records for the flora of Taiwan
- 冠狀鵝冠草小孢子形成時之異常染色體分離 Abnormal Chromosome Segregation During Microsporogenesis in Agropyron cristatum
- 臺灣之黏菌I Myxomycetes of Taiwan I
- 臺灣禾本科植物銹病菌之初步調查 A Preliminary Survey of Uredinales on Formosan Gramineae
- 臺灣之網孔蕈類(一) The Boletes of Taiwan (I)
- 臺灣銹病菌之新資料 Additional Materials for a Rust-Flora of Taiwan