197408 (19:2期)期所有篇 |
- 新發現之臺灣森林菌類I.——臺灣冷杉之黑露菌 Notes on new Formosan forest fungi I. black mildews on Abies kawakamii
- 臺灣之桔梗科植物 The Campanulaceae of Taiwan
- 白果莧之胚胎研究 Embrylogical studies in Amaranthus leucocarpus S. Wats
- 滲透度及酸鹹度對植物生長的影響 Effects of osmotic concentration and pH on plant growth
- 銨氮和硝酸氮對於黃瓜生長的影響 The effect of nitrogen from ammoninm and nitrate on the growth of cucumbers
- 根節蘭腋芽的發生 The initiation of the axillary bud in Calanthe
- 臺灣鳳尾蕨科之孢子型態 Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae
- 臺灣北部之水棲菌類 Fresh water fungi on northern Taiwan
- 臺灣山毛櫸的分佈 Notes on the distribution of Taiwan Beech