植物醫學 Journal of Plant Medicine |
202306 (65:2期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣楊桃炭疽病菌之鑑定 Colletotrichum species associated with carambola anthracnose in Taiwan
- 應用幾丁寡醣防治草莓葉枯病與細菌性角斑病之效果評估 Assessment of chitosan oligosaccharide efficacy on control of leaf blight and angular leaf spot diseases of strawberry
- 氟派瑞對不同生態位線蟲的致死率 The mortality of plant parasitic nematodes from different niches to fluopyram
- 蓮霧黑腐病菌之鑑定與致病力比較 Identification and virulence comparison of pathogens cuasing fruit black rot of wax apple