文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
202209 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 追蹤干治士:重建近代初期歐洲台灣研究系譜 Chasing Candidius: A Genealogical Reconstruction of Taiwan Studies in Early Modern Europe
- 戰後旅滬台灣同鄉會之糾葛與真相的探索 Explore on complications and truth of Taiwan Association of Shanghai after the war
- 逃離與回歸:《桑青與桃紅》及《綠島》中相異時代下的女性移動困境 Escape and Return:The plight of Female Migration in Different Eras in Mulberry and Peach and Green Island
- 十七世紀《ABC閩西雙語詞典》之類型分析與宏觀結構初探 A typological classification and Macrostructure of the 17th Century Bilingual Dictionary, Bocabulario de la lengua Sangleya por las letraz de el A.B.C.
- 檳城福建話的語音系統描寫及詞彙討論 On the Penang Hokkien Phonetic System and Vocabulary