文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
201606 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 南崁地名沿革初探 An Initial Discussion on The Course of Change and Development of the Geographical Name of 'Nankan'
- 從自主選用的「日治」到定為一尊的「日據」──以《公論報》、《台灣新生報》以及《中央日報》的刊載演變(1945-1951)為例 "From the Self-selected Japanese Rule to the Authority-proposed Japanese Occupation - With the evolution of wording in the Taiwan Tribune, the Taiwan Shin Sheng Daily News and the Central Daily News (1945-1951) as example"
- 買票兼作票:由俗諺考察台灣選舉現象 Vote Buying and Vote Rigging: An Investigation of Taiwanese Election Phenomenon From the Aspect of Sayings and Proverbs
- 蝶語寓言──論東方白寓言小說中的老莊思想 The Butterfly Fable: The Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu Ideas in Dongfang Bai's Fable Fiction
- 「台灣留美客」:章緣《當張愛玲的鄰居》的跨界移動與城市書寫 American Guest from Taiwan': Translocal Representation of Chinese Urban Space in Zhang Yuan's Being Eileen Zhang's Neighbor