我國廣播電台執照核換發與審議制度之探討︰從「中廣換照案」談起 The Study over License-issuing, License-renewing and Evaluation System of Radio Stations in Taiwan: from ''The Case of BCC's License-renewing''
兒童電視節目法律規範之研究——以美國及澳洲為例 On the Regulation of Children's Television Programs: A Comparative Study
客家元素與收視行為結構模式探究 Exploring the Structural Model of Hakka Elements and TV Viewing behaviors
臥虎藏龍「藏」了什麼?從女性主義電影理論「男性凝視」觀點談武俠電影新類型 What's in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - A study on Wu Xia genre from male gaze perspective in feminism film theory