自傷行為與自殺危險性的階層預測模式--三元模式的延伸 Applying the Tripartite Model to the Link between Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Risk
我到底有多好?--社會比較與時序比較對自我評價的影響 Am I Really Good?–The Impact of Social Comparison and Temporal Comparison on Self-Evaluation
以事件相關腦電位探討刺激出現前記憶登錄活動中清晰記憶與熟悉感歷程的分離 An ERP Study of the Dissociation between Recollection- and Familiarity-Related Prestimulus Encoding Activities
文脈訊息對閱讀廣度的影響 The Effect of Contextual Information on Reading Span
青少年正負向思考與心理健康之關係--積極因應與拖延習慣調節效果之探討 Adolescent Positive/Negative Thinking and Mental Health: The Moderating Roles of Proactive Coping and Procrastination Habit