矯政 Journal of Corrections |
202407 (13:2期)期所有篇 |
- 監獄懲罰處分與行政罰法關聯之研究 The Study of the Correlation between the prison punishment and the Administrative Penalty Act
- 我國外役監定位與受刑人處遇之研究 A Research on the Positioning of Open Prison and Treatment of Inmates
- 運用科學實證觀點來思考受刑人個別處遇計畫:從風險—需求—對應模式談起 Advancing Individual Treatment Plans for Offenders: A Research-based study through the Lens of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Mo
- 音樂治療對毒品受刑人幸福感之初探 A preliminary study on the effects of music therapy on the well-being of drug inmates
- 男性酒駕累犯「酒癮者」的敘事分析 A Narrative Analysis of Drunk Driving Recidivism among Alcoholics