教學實踐與創新 Journal of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Innovation
202309 (6:2期)期所有篇
探究ARCS動機模式結合「配對合作學習」與「實作範例學習」對學習者學習動機與成效之影響 Effects of Integrating the ARCS Motivation Model into Paired Cooperative Learning and Worked Example Learning on Learning Motivation and Outcome
融入反思及多元教學策略之「心理腫瘤學」課程教學行動 Integrating Reflection and Multiple Teaching Strategies into a Psycho-Oncology Course
透過情意策略之顯性教學融入降低大學生英語口說焦慮:以英文簡報技巧課為例 Integrating Explicit Instruction with Affective Strategies to Alleviate English Speaking Anxiety Among College Students: A Case Study from an English Presentation Skills Course
可視化思考教學法融入大學英文之教學實踐:以英文電影議題課為例 How the Integration of Visible Thinking into an English Movie Discussion Course Makes Thinking Visible