中國造船暨輪機工程學刊 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,Republic of China |
201405 (33:2期)期所有篇 |
- 艙間局部充水對船舶撞擊之抗撞能力影響 Effects of Partially Filled Liquid Tanks in Ship-Ship Collision
- 螺槳葉尖渦中之微汽泡空化 Micro-Bubble Cavitations in Propeller Tip Vortices
- 應用二維離散小波轉換及類神經網路於多裂縫平板之損傷偵測 Damage Detection of a Plate with Multiple Cracks by Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transforms and Artificial Neural Network
- 穿浪型雙體船在縱波中運動之時程模擬 The Time Simulation for the Motion of the Wave-Piercing Catamaran Ship in Longitudinal Waves
- 實船螺槳空化觀測系統之規劃與設計 Development and Design for Full-Scale Cavitation Imaging System