政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
202303 (95期)期所有篇 |
- 《潛夫論》的政治思想研究:一個東漢中晚期思想的側面 A Study of Political Thought on Wang Fu’s Qianfu Lun: An Insight into the Thought of the Middle and Late Eastern Han Dynasty
- 從《東坡易傳》看蘇軾的思維模式和變法觀 Analyzing Su Shi’s Thought Patterns and Views on Reform through the Dongpo Yizhuan
- 清初儒者許三禮之天人關係論述與治理實踐 The Confucian Perspective of Xu Sanli on Heaven-Man Relations and Governance in the Early Qing Dynasty
- 人們在追求的是哪一種民主?