政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201609 (69期)期所有篇 |
- 半總統制與策略性修憲 Semi-Presidentialism and Strategic Restructuring of the Constitution
- 半總統制下國會監督實際作為之初探:台灣立法院與法國國民議會之比較 Exploration of Parliamentary Oversight Behaviors under Semi-Presidentialism: A Comparison between Taiwanese Legislative Yuan and French National Assembly
- 政黨菁英或官僚菁英?台灣半總統制下的行政院院長類型與立法影響 Party Elite or Bureaucratic Elite: Influences of Different Premiers on Legislation under Taiwan's Semi-Presidentialism
- 台灣非營利組織與地方政府協力的實證分析:以六縣市為例 Empirical Analysis of Partnership Between Non-Profit Organizations and Local Governments Evidence from Six Cities and Counties in Taiwan
- 《呂氏春秋》和《荀子》對「人類國家」構想之探析:以其「人」觀與「群」論為切入點 The Perspectives on "Human Beings" and "Community" in the Political Theory of the Xunzi and the Lüshi chunqiu as a Foundation of the World State