政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201206 (52期)期所有篇 |
- 中華民國的體制與發展專輯 Special Issue: The Institutions and Development of the Republic of China
- 孫中山思想、民國百年與兩岸發展模式:一個總體的分析架構 Sun Yat-sen Thoughts, the Centennial of the Republic of China, and Development Models in Taiwan and Mainland China: A Macro Analytical Framework
- 改寫男人的憲法:從平等條款、婦女憲章到釋憲運動的婦運憲法動員 Rewriting a Male Constitution: Constitutional Mobilization by the Women's Movement from the Gender Equality Clause and Women's Charter to the Constitutional Litigation Movement
- 差異政治的形成:1946年婦女保障名額制訂的歷史過程 The Formation of the Politics of Difference: Reserved Seats for Women in the 1946 Constitution
- 文官政治認知是否與行政中立行為衝突?2008年台灣政府文官調查的初探性分析 Are the Political Understandings of Bureaucrats Incompatible with the Weberian Model of Administrative Neutrality? A Study on the 2008 Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey