東吳政治學報 Soochow Journal of Political Science |
201406 (32:2期)期所有篇 |
- 蜜月期選舉時程與衣尾效應:法國半總統制下總統與國會選舉之分析 Honeymoon Election and Coattail Effect: An Analysis to Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the French Semi-Presidential System
- 再探選區服務與立法問政:選制改革前後的比較 Revisiting Constituency Service and Legislative Work of Taiwan's Legislators: A Comparison before and After the Reform of Electoral System
- 選舉預測市場之選前鑑別模型:以最高價準則為門檻 The Discrimination Models of Accuracy for Election Prediction Markets Prior to the Elections: Based on the Highest-Price Criterion
- 民主化後台灣與韓國檢察獨立的差異:權力結構與競爭度變化的解釋 Explaining the Difference in Prosecutorial Independence between Taiwan and South Korea: The Perspectives of Political Power Structure and Political Competition