東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201203 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 金人李俊民對於唐以前文化的承繼 The Literate Mr. LI Jun- Min is a cultural successor of Chinese Central Plain before Tang Dynasty
- 《史記》「古文」詞商兌 Shi ji, “gu wen” research
- 論王弼注《老》之「崇本息末」觀 A discussion of “Chung ben shi mo” concept from Wang bi notes on Lau
- 鄭樵詩學、春秋學對經學之影響 The effect of classical studies by Zheng Qiao's study of Shī jīng, chūnqiū
- 張愛玲小說中的聽覺描寫研究 The study of Zhang Ailing works’ description about “Hearing”
- 扮仙戲中大醉八仙劇情溯源之研究──以朱有燉的《蟠桃會》及《瑤池會》為探討對象 Ban shian Drama’s Tzuie ba shian the story or plot of a play tracing to research: To use Chu yu-tun’s pan tao party and yao chr party for discussion object