地籍測量 Journal of Cadastral Survey |
200509 (24:3期)期所有篇 |
- GIS地形圖資料庫品質檢核標準模式之建構 A Study of Quality Examination Standard Model for GIS Topographic Database
- 圖解數化成果分幅及整合圖約制條件坐標轉換研究 Process with Constraint Conditions for Coordinates Transformation and Regional Conjugation of Graphic Digitized Maps
- 二維空間一維編碼法之評估 A Note on the Space Fillling Curves
- 靜力水準測量基本原理及其誤差討論 On the Fundamental Theory and Error Propatation of Hydrostatic Leveling
- 地籍測量成果風險評估與管理 Cadastral Surveying Risk Assessment and Management