設計學研究 Journal of Design Science |
202007 (23:1期)期所有篇 |
- 日治時期皇民化運動對楊梅伯公祠與伯公信仰之影響 Influence of Japanese Imperialization Movement on the Existence and Abolition of Yangmei Bo-Gong Shrine and Belief
- 視障生聽讀輔助之介面設計與使用性評估 Usability Evaluation of Assisted Screen Reader Interface for Students with Visual Impairment
- 以人文地理學的角度探討都市的記憶地景--藝術家的作品以台北北門為例 Exploring the Memory Landscape with the Perspective of Human Geography- with the Artists' Works of Taipei's North Gate as an example
- 年輕視障者觸覺資訊處理模型建構及其生活產品設計研究 Tactile information processing model (TIPM) of the young visually impaired and life product design study
- 《老莊思想應用於產品設計之方法》以作品「逸境」為例 Laozi and Zhuangzi's Concept Applied to Product Design: Take a Creation ''Yi Jing'' as an Example