特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
202203 (162期)期所有篇 |
- 聽力損失者的聆聽負擔:理論架構與測量方法 Listening Effort in Persons with Hearing Loss: Framework and Measures
- 以ICF架構探討智能障礙者之運動阻礙及促進 Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise Using the ICF Model Exploring for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- 如何在集中式特教班發展與執行符合跨年級且適齡綱要的課程 How to Design and Implement the Multi-Grade and Grade-Aligned Curriculum in a Self-Contained Class to Address the General Education Standards
- 特殊教育教師輔導自閉症學生攻擊行為的歷程與省思 Addressing the Aggressive Behavior of One Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Journey and Reflection of One Special Education Teacher