特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201203 (122期)期所有篇 |
- 圖卡兌換溝通系統訓練對一位多重障礙兒童之功能性溝通行為的改變 Effects of the Picture Exchange Communication Training on the Functional Communication Behaviors of a Child with Multiple Disabilities
- 肢體障礙學生電腦輔具使用現況及需求調查 A Survey of Computer Access Devices for Students with Physical Disabilities
- 自我監控策略在身心障礙學生學業與行為問題之運用 Self-Monitoring: Applications to Disabled Students with Academic and Behavior Problems
- 閱讀流暢性困難個案研究:一位美國四年級讀寫障礙學生的檔案解析 Investigation of a Fourth Grade Student with Reading Fluency Deficits
- 特殊教育從無到有:談障礙學生在普通班的邊緣化現象 The Growth out of Nothing in Special Education: Discussion on the Phenomenon of Marginalization of Students with Disabilities in Regular Class