特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201106 (119期)期所有篇 |
- 從個別差異、課程調整與區分性教學的理念談新修訂特殊教育課程綱要的設計與實施 The Connections of Individual Differences, Curriculum Adaptations, and Differentiated Instructions with the Newly Revised Curriculum Guidelines for the Students with Special Needs
- 彈性分組:從學習障礙學生需求的觀點探討區分性教學在普通班的實施策略 Flexible Grouping: A Strategy to Implement Differentiated Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities in the Regular Classrooms
- 身心障礙學生的考試調整 Test Accommodations for Studetns with Disabilities
- 高中職階段身心障礙學生課程與教學調整:以一位視障生為例 Curriculum and Instruction Adaptations for a High School Student with Visual Impairment
- 個別化教育計畫之轉銜服務品質的探討 The Exploration on the Quality of Transition Planning In IEP
- 學習障礙學生寫作教學成效之後設分析:以單一受試實驗設計為例 A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Single Subject Design Writing Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities