特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201103 (118期)期所有篇 |
- 由障礙研究典範改變觀點論ICF與ICF-CY在教育與療育的運用與貢獻 From the Perspective of Changing Paradigm on Disability Study to Discuss the Implication of ICF and ICF-CY in Special Education
- 從身心障礙者權益保障法探討身心障礙者需求與地方政府資源 Needs of Individuals with Disabilities vs. Resources
- 應用ICF作為建構智能障礙學生學習效能指標之可行性研究 A Feasibility Study on Constructing Learning Efficiency Indicators Using ICF Codes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- 近兩年國內外融合教育之學術論文分析與議題探討 The Discussion and Thesis/ Dissertation Analysis about Inclusive Education for These Two Years
- 《特殊教育研究學刊》之質性研究趨勢:以近十年為例 A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Single Subject Design on Writing Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
- 第十屆亞太聾教育會議紀要 The 10th Asian Pacific Congress on Deafness
- 就讀普通學校聽障學生的自我認同 Self-Identity of Students with Hearing Impairment Educated in Regular Schools