數位學習科技期刊 International Journal on Digital Learning Technology |
202310 (15:4期)期所有篇 |
- 「專題式STEM科際整合課程」融入資訊科技對高職生二十一世紀關鍵能力的影響 The Impact of a Project-Based Interdisciplinary STEM Course in the Information Technology Curriculum on Vocational High School Students’ Key Competencies of the 21st Century
- 疫情之下大學生使用即時回饋系統的現況調查 The Implementation Status of Zuvio IRS in University of Science and Technology under COVID-19
- 英語電子繪本融入不同角色扮演活動對國小四年級學童故事理解、閱讀動機與投入及英語能力之影響 Influences of Different Role-Playing Strategies in Reading English Picture e-Books on Taiwanese Fourth Graders’ Story Comprehension, Reading Motivation, Reading Flow, and English Performance
- 電腦輔助中文閱讀學習系統之成效研究 Effects of Computer-Assisted Reading Learning System on Chinese Reading Comprehension