教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
202009 (65:3期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣國民中小學東南亞母語傳承課程與教學困境:支援人員的感知分析 Challenges in the Teaching of Native Southeast Asian Languages in Taiwanese Junior High and Elementary Schools: Analysis of Supporting Instructors’ Perception
- 東南亞區域高等教育發展對我國人才交流政策之啟示 Influence of Southeast Asia’s Higher Education Development on Taiwan’s Talent Exchange Policy
- 臺灣華語師資在新南向國家之競爭優劣勢:菲律賓華校觀點 Competitive Advantages and Weaknesses of Taiwanese Teachers Teaching Chinese As a Foreign Language in New Southbound Countries: Philippines Chinese Schools’ Perspectives
- 新南向政策國家學生赴臺留學動機、生活適應情形及跨文化調適策略之研究 Experiences of International Students from the New Southbound Policy Countries in Taiwan: Their Motivations and Negotiations of Cultural Differences
- 探討馬來西亞吉隆坡市私立學校校長提升教師學術專業與學生學業成就的有效領導作為 Exploring Effective Leadership Practices of Private School Principals to Improve Teachers’ Academic Excellence and Students’ Learning Achievement
- 晚清美部會華北教會學校系統的形成 The Formation of Mission School System of the A.B.C.F.M. in North China in Late Ch’ing
- 探討高雄市青少年健康知識、態度及行為素養 Exploration of Kaohsiung City Adolescents’ Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavioral Literacy
- 遊戲自我效能、遊戲興趣、認知負荷與地理桌遊的遊玩自信心提升之相關研究 The Relationship Among Gameplay Self-Efficacy, Gameplay Interest, Cognitive Load, and Self-Confidence Enhancement in Geography Board Games
- 學生認知歷程與背景變數對於學生評鑑教師的影響:潛在類別偏差校正與混合迴歸分析 Influences of Different Background Variables on Student Ratings of Instruction: Bias-Adjusted Three-Step Mixture Regression Analysis