閱讀之摘要歷程探究 Exploring the Processes of Summarization
教室裡有春天:正向管教獲獎教師之情境式正向管教策略分析 The Analysis of Situational Positive Discipline Strategies by Positive Discipline Awarded Teachers
國小二步驟四則混合文字題解題歷程技巧學習診斷評量之編製發展與實測分析研究 The Development and Analysis of Process Skills Diagnostic Assessment for Third Graders’ Learning on Word Problem Solving
對的風格遇上對的人,謂之創意-人格特質、認知風格與兩類創造力之關係探討 How creative you will be depends on who you are: The relationship between personality traits, cognitive styles and different types of creativity
影響教師生涯成功的背景變項、內外控特質及生涯人際能力 On Teachers’ Background, Internal-external Locus of Control, and Interpersonal Competencies for Career
大學生消沉傾向量表之發展研究 The Development of Self-affliction Tendency Scal
臺灣原住民居住地透過教育、職業、收入與社會支持對心理健康之影響 Influence of Residence Regions of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan on their Mental Health through Education, Occupation, Income, and Social Support