202012 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 俞樾〈病中囈語〉詩的一種新解釋 A New Interpretation of Yu Yue's “Somniloquies in Sickness"
- 修辭視野下的《墨子‧兼愛》三篇 The Three Chapters of “Jian ai" in Mozi from a Rhetorical Perspective
- 不安頓的隱士──唐末司空圖自保心態下的書寫策略 A Restless Recluse: Sikong Tu's Writing Strategy under Self-preservation Mentality in Late Tang
- 汪克寬《春秋胡傳附錄纂疏》的學術取向 The Academic Orientation of Wang Kekuan's Compilation of Chunqiu Hu Zhuan Appendices
- 義利分途與道德意識的優位性──馮從吾〈善利圖〉等相關圖式釐析 The Divergent Paths of Righteousness and Selfishness and the Prepotency of Moral Awareness: An Analysis of Feng Congwu's “Diagram of Righteousness and Selfishness" and Related Diagrams
- 日治時期臺灣竹枝詞的新變及其意義 The Transformation and Significance of Taiwan Zhu-Zhi Ci in the Japanese Colonial Period
- 承接副詞「遂」的來源與用法──兼及與「乃」、「因」、「即」的比較 The Origin and Usage of Consecutive Adverb “Suì”(遂): And the Comparison with “Năi”(乃) “Yīn”(因) and “Jí”(即)
- 論原始閩語咸攝合口三等字的擬測及其層次 On the Reconstruction of Third Division Rounded Cognates of the Xián Rhyme Group in Proto Min and Its Strata Analysis