201806 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 文心與易道 Literary Mind and Way of Yi
- 李夢陽的文學觀念中的地域差異 Regional Disparities in Li Mengyang’s Literary Thought
- 復古餘波——唐汝詢《彙編唐詩十集》初探 Between Ming Neo-classicism and Jingling School: A Preliminary Study of Tang Ruxun’s Huibian tangshi shiji
- 神韻前史:陸時雍《詩鏡》的杜詩批評與盛唐圖像 Pre-history of “Shenyun Theory”: Lu Shiyong’s Criticism of Du Fu and Great Tang Dynasty Poetry in His Shijing
- 先秦漢初雜家文獻中的「孔子形象」 The Images of Confucius Presented in Documents of Zajia during Pre-Qin and Early Han Period
- 唐代七言古詩格律探論 On the Tone Scheme of the Seven-character Poems of the Tang Dynasty
- 史料甄別、運用與年代考定——論王國維、傅斯年到屈萬里之史料觀點及《詩》、《書》研究之發展 Distinction and Application of Historical Materials and Authentication of Chronology -Historical Materials and Research Development of The Book of Songs and Documents of Antiquity from Wang Guo Wei, Fu Si Nian to Qu Wan Li
- 熊翰叔先生《春秋》學 Xiong Hanshu on Chun-Qiu
- 斬首龍物語 The Story of the Slain Dragon (Kinshuryū no monogatari)