清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201306 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 「碑」「銘」作為文學類型之美感特質(I) Research on the Aesthetic Features of Steles and Inscriptions as a Literary Type
- 先秦敘事文的構成與分類 On the Constructional Features and Classification of Pre-Qin Chinese Narrative Prose
- 學問家的革命與傳統的發明──以章太炎《齊物論釋》為例 The Revolution of A Scholar and the Inventionof Tradition─Zhang Taiyan’s 章太炎Interpreting the Qiwulun《齊物論釋》
- 走出「拆散時代」:論章太炎辛亥後儒學觀念的轉變 Emerging from an Age of Disorder: On the Transition in Zhang Taiyan’s Confucian Thought Following the Xinhai Revolution
- 《新客》:從「華語語系」論新馬生產的首部電影 “Xin Ke” 新客 (New Immigrant): The First Locally Produced Film in Singapore and Malaya from a Sinophone Perspective