清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201106 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 先秦敘事語言與敘事文本詮釋 The Narrative Language and Narrative Texts of Pre-Qin Chinese
- 《史記》的「微言」敘事──「書法不隱」與「隱」的統一 “Subtle Words with Significant Meaning” in the Records of the Grand Historian: Unifying the Narrative Techniques of “Writing Explicitly” and “Writing Obscurely”
- 重讀蘇軾<方山子傳>:以敘事觀點為中心的討論 Reinterpreting Su Shi’s “Biography of Fangshanzi”: A Discussion Based on the Viewpoint of Narration
- 「敘述學」與「敘事學」的擺盪與抉擇──《清華中文學報》編輯委員會議側記
- 台灣原住民族的寫文化 The Writing Culture of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples
- 《莊子.應帝王》中「即內聖即外王」的應世思想 Zhuangzi’s Conception of “Inward Cultivation is Outward Governance”
- 「敘述」界義──兼論敘述、敘事與描寫 Towards A Definition of Narrative and Its Relation to the Concepts of Narration and Description in Chinese Perspective
- 晚清毀家廢婚論與親密關係政治 A Politics of Intimacy: Abolishing Family and Marriage in the Late Ch’ing Dynasty