疼痛醫學雜誌 The Chinese Journal of Pain |
201803 (28:1期)期所有篇 |
- 椎旁神經根阻斷可成功控制壓迫性骨折的疼痛 Successful pain control with paravertebral block for patients suffering from vertebral compression fracture
- 文獻回顧:自發性顱內低血壓頭痛的診斷及治療 A review of the diagnosis and management of spontaneous intracranial hypotension
- 硬膜外麻醉和納疼解在手術後慢性疼痛之角色 The Role of Epidural Anesthesia Plus Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Block and Naldebain in Chronic Post-Surgical Pain
- 合併超音波暨X光會陰神經注射治療-案例報告 Combined ultrasound-fluoroscopic guide pudendal nerve injection therapy
- 肺動脈高壓病患接受股骨頸骨折手術的成功圍術期止 Successful peri-operative pain management in a pulmonary hypertension patient undergoing femoral neck fracture surgery
- 以尾椎疼痛臨床表現的門周遭膿瘍 Perianal Abscess Masquerading as Coccydynia - A Case Report