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查詢結果:10580 DOI申請
序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
81 法哲學緒論 Hegel  厦门大学法律评论 10.3966/615471682015040025013
82 Same-Gender Parenting and the Best Interests of the Child: The European Perspective with the Example of Austria Helmut Graupner  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242021121602002
83 International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters–the European Path as a Model? Helmut Satzger  月旦法學雜誌 10.3966/102559312020050300004
84 Criminal Law as a Potential and Necessary Means to Fight the Global Climate Crisis? Helmut Satzger  月旦法學雜誌 10.53106/1025593134111
85 CEO career experience and firm innovativeness: Considering the moderating effect of independent directors Heng-Yu ChangCheng-Yu LeeYing-Jiuan Wong  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102019063901003
86 Association of secreted phosphoprotein 1 with hyperuricemia and diabetes mellitus in Chinese male population Hong-Min MaGuo-fang ZhouMeng-jiao ZengDong-Mei MengChanggui LiYing YuanShi-Chao Xing  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1603030105
87 Judicial Activism v. Strict Constructionism Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.3966/181263242013030801005
88 接受抗凝血藥物病患併發腎臟腎血管肌肉脂肪瘤出血:病例報告 Horng-Ming YehShu-Chen HanJen-Shi Chen  秀傳醫學雜誌 10.3966/156104972013121203006
89 Effects of network capital and resources on SMEs competitiveness: A moderated mediation approach Hsian-Ming LiuKuo-chen MouChia-Yu Chang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101002
90 Resolving partial-viewpoint paradoxes of innovation strategies: Toward an integrative framework Hsin-Min Hung  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102015123502001
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