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序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
51 Both genetic and epigenetic components of FOXA2 are associated with occurrence of gout Chung-Jen ChenJeng-Hsien YenShun-Jen Chang  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1406010204
52 Macro-history of Gout: 4650 years of scientific progress Chung-Jen ChenShun-Jen Chang  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1409010303
53 Amoxicillin use associated with less gout recurrence Chung-Jen ChenShun-Jen ChangWei-Ting LiaoChia-Chun TsengMing-Chia Hsieh  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1606030204
54 Implication of never in mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 7 (NEK7) on gout and metabolic syndrome Chung-Jen ChenWei-Ting LiaoShun-Jen Chang  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1606030201
55 WD40-repeat proteins and gout Chung-Jen ChenWei-Ting LiaoShun-Jen Chang  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1703040101
56 Inflammation in gout Chun-Jen ChenWei-Ting LiaoShun-Jen Chang  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1503020101
57 Effects of conformity on success of the firm:The moderated effect of partner diversity on venture capital investments Chun-Yun Cheng  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102017123702001
58 Beyond homophily: Syndication networks in venture capital investments Chun-Yun ChengJung-Chin Shen  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102023124302004
59 New Physics (Quantum Physics) and Traditional Chin Claus C. Schnorrenberger  中醫藥雜誌 10.3966/101764462014062501001
60 A Book Review of The ELT Daily Journal Craig Watt  華岡英語期刊 10.3966/221880882013121901011
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