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序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
41 How does face consciousness affect purchase intention of cosmetic surgery? Ching-Wen Yeh  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102015123502003
42 Where is foreign institutional investors’ efficacy? A transparency & disclosure perspective Chin-Jung LuanChengli Tien  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102017063701002
43 Coping with abusive supervision: The alleviating effect of self-efficacy and the perception of authenticity on the negative consequences of abusive supervision Chin-Tien HsuHung-Yi LiaoMeng-Han Huang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101003
44 How proactive personality can decrease turnover intention: A moderated mediation model of justice perception and career adaptability in Taiwanese nurses Chin-Tien HsuWen-Ying Chang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102019123902001
45 Understanding the mechanism and impact of workplace fun on employee innovative behavior Chin-Tsu ChenShih-Chih ChenAsif Khan  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102023124302002
46 文字遊戲:諷刺性話語之使用研究-以現代小說《後宮甄嬛傳》為例 Chi-Shuo LeeLan- Hsin Chang  華岡英語期刊 10.3966/221880882013121901007
47 基本權、法律與憲法法院審判權 Christian Starck  憲政時代 10.3966/101665132013073901004
48 Coupled open innovation and innovation performance outcomes: roles of absorptive capacity Christine ChouKuo-Pin YangYu-Jen Chiu  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102016063601002
49 Monocytes and granulocytes orchestrate induction and resolution of inflammation in gout Christine CzegleyMona BiermannDaniela WeidnerMarkus HoffmannMartin HerrmannChristine Schauer  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1409010301
50 The relationships among emotional capital, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: A cross-level analysis Chung-Chu LiuShiou-Yu ChenChin-Hung Liao  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102015063501001
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