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查詢結果:10580 DOI申請
序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
11 巴西集團訴訟:一個大陸法系國家的範本 Antonio Gidi  厦门大学法律评论 10.3966/615471682014110024012
12 基於超輕型立體顯微鏡之自動影像校正 Atul Kumar李起鳴吳俊霖李易俊劉楷哲  秀傳醫學雜誌 10.3966/156104972017121602001
13 Clinical correlation of serum uric acid with metabolic syndrome Baosheng GuanXue BaiSongpo YaoShabnam PokharelJingtao WangXiujun ZhanJiaxin ChenZhigang GaoXianjun ZhouXianglin YinHongbin Qiu  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1612030404
14 Study on the associated factors of hyperuricemia based on dietary and metabolic factors Baosheng GuanXue BaiYanqiu WangYuan WangXiaoqing NiuXianglin YinHongbin Qiu  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1506020204
15 IL-1β is related to hyperuricemic nephropathy induced by high-purine diet Beibei ZhouTong ChenCui LiuChanggui LiZhengju FuLingling Cui  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1412010406
16 Dual-energy CT in gout: an update exemplified by selected clinical cases Biermann M H CAraujo E GMaueroder CLell MSchett GManger BRech JMunoz LEHerrmann M  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1412010401
17 Confucian Constitutionalism in Imperial Vietnam Bui Ngoc Son  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.3966/181263242013090802004
18 The polymorphisms of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene are associated with gout disease in male Han Chinese Can WangChanggui LiChengcheng DingQing YuWei RenXuefeng WangLingling Cui  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1606030202
19 Expert Opinions as The Most Usual Way to Prove The Content of Foreign Law: An Evolving Attitude towards Them Carlos Esplugues Mota  月旦法學雜誌 10.53106/1025593135411
20 New Developments as Regards the Right of the Children to Be Heard in Civil Procedures in Spain Carlos Esplugues  月旦法學雜誌 10.53106/1025593132113
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