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序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
91 The effect of directors’ and officers’ liability insurance on stock investors’ perceptions of earning quality Hsiu-Mei LiaoLi-Fen TangJan-Zan Lee  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102015123502004
92 東京審判法律問題反思:以國際人權法為視角 Hu Donghua  CHINA LEGAL SCIENCE 10.3966/209548672015010301004
93 Computed tomography manifestation of gouty arthritis Hu YabinYang QingCao QiangRen JiananYang Qing  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1609030306
94 Endothelial dysfunction in hyperuricemia Huaying LiuWei WangBin LuYixin XuPing GuJiaqing Shao  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1512020402
95 The Future of Contract Law Hugh Beale  月旦法學雜誌 10.3966/102559312020050300002
96 The impact of cause-related marketing on store switching: An analysis of the chain convenience stores in Taiwan Hui Wen ChengChin-Lung ChienPaul R. Woodburne  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102017123702003
97 The comparison of efficacy and safety of febuxostat, allopurinol and benzbromarone in urate-lowing therapies: a cohort study Hui ZhouLingling CuiZhaowei ZhouJie LuChanggui LiJinjiao Zhao  Gout and Hyperuricemia 10.3966/GH1612030405
98 The dual processes of transformational leadership: The mediation effect of identification Hui-Ling Tung  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102019123902004
99 政治與應用心理學 Ian Parker宋文裏  應用心理研究 10.3966/156092512015120063004
100 空間、移動、易名與身份建構 - 評《水之色》 I-Hsin Kai  華岡英語期刊 10.3966/221880882014122001003
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