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查詢結果:10229 DOI申請
序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
891 論加密貨幣是否構成銀行法之「收受存款」──以Steaker案為中心 陳南呈詹森堯  月旦律評 10.53106/279069731509
892 人類乳突病毒(HPV)疫苗預防接種受害救濟──臺北高等行政法院109年度訴字第603號判決淺析 蘇志淵  月旦律評 10.53106/279069731510
893 我該做直銷嗎?以多層次傳銷管理法實質判斷 童行  月旦律評 10.53106/279069731511
894 氣候變遷因應法之初探及評析 黃亭妤  月旦律評 10.53106/279069731512
895 行政罰「從新從輕原則」適用上須否考慮「中間法」? 陳熙哲  月旦律評 10.53106/279069731513
896 A Comparative Study of Pure Economic Loss:Where Is Taiwan on the Map? 唐采蘋  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242023061801002
897 Applying Privacy as Trust in the Emerging Digital Welfare State 黃怡禎  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242023061801003
898 One Size Fits All? Improving Access to Justice for Small Claims: An Empirical Study of Taiwan 邵靖惠  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242023061801001
899 Social enterprise as a good employer brand? Impact of recruitment information from the perspective of signal theory Forrence HsinHung ChenChih-Huang LinChia-Hsing Wang  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102023064301001
900 The framing effect on purchase intention in hotel booking websites: The role of review breadth, numbers of review’s recommendation and brand familiarity Yi-Fen ChenXiang-Yun HuangBoedi Hartadi Kuslina  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102023064301002
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