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查詢結果:10324 DOI申請
序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
2681 The influence of different virtual product experience types on advertising effect: Imagery instructions and imagery-processing model as moderators Yu-Hsin ChenChing-Jui KengHai-Hua Wang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101001
2682 Effects of network capital and resources on SMEs competitiveness: A moderated mediation approach Hsian-Ming LiuKuo-chen MouChia-Yu Chang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101002
2683 Coping with abusive supervision: The alleviating effect of self-efficacy and the perception of authenticity on the negative consequences of abusive supervision Chin-Tien HsuHung-Yi LiaoMeng-Han Huang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101003
2684 Technological dissimilarity in R&D alliances: The moderating effects of exploratory strategy and knowledge stock Yen-Chih HuangChia-Chi ChangShao-Chi Chang  陽明交大管理學報 10.3966/102873102021064101004
2685 The Reluctant Acceptance of Same-Sex Unions and Parents in Israel Zvi Triger  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242021061601001
2686 Debates on Same-Sex Parentage: Main Arguments in France Anne-Marie Leroyer  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242021061601002
2687 Medically Assisted Procreation for Women Couples in French Law: Review of New Legislation Maïté Saulier  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242021061601003
2688 Governing through Corruption: The Symbolism of the Death Penalty for Chinese Corrupt Officials 沈伯洋  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242021061601004
2689 實質合併適用標準體系之重構 王靜  月旦財經法雜誌 10.3966/1815008X467
2690 「平等權」的主張與「平等原則」的審查 吳信華  月旦法學教室 10.3966/1684739322301
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