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查詢結果:10229 DOI申請
序號 篇名 作者 刊期 DOI
1291 法意識研究──不平等權力結構中,法律實踐的局限與能動 王曉丹  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001002
1292 法律動員研究 官曉薇  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001003
1293 家庭法律社會學的臺灣拼圖──分享一個行腳讀書人的攝像本 施慧玲  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001004
1294 法律與現代性 蔡博方  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001005
1295 律師與律師工作 許菁芳  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001006
1296 警察執法的法律社會學──以101大樓前的抗爭為例 沈伯洋  政大法學評論 10.53106/10239820202212S001007
1297 New Way Out for Women Lawyers: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 邵靖惠  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242022121702001
1298 Czech Constitutional Court’s Interventions in Family Law Matters: Protection of Traditional Family 林百合  National Taiwan University Law Review 10.53106/181263242022121702002
1299 Do the frequencies of analyst coverage and conference calls influence stock market trading? Evidence from Taiwan Lie-Huey WangHsien-Chang Kuo  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102022124202001
1300 Environment, social and governance (ESG) and bank loan interest rates Yu-Fen ChenFu-Lai LinWen-Kuan Huang  陽明交大管理學報 10.53106/102873102022124202002
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