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The Political Negotiation in the Legislative Process of Taiwan's National Health Insurance
作者 余玲雅許瑛璇范錦明
中文摘要 本文研究目的在探討台灣全民健保立法過程的政治協商,暸解李登輝總統如 何與黨內外重要政治領袖和黨內立委進行政治協商,並且如何調整行政部門與立 法院國民黨黨圓的組織和人事,加速全民健保立法進度。本文以North 新制度經 濟學為基礎,藉由政治協商連結信念與制度的關條。從全民健保立法過程,本文 發現執政者要推動法案,尤其是重要的制度創新,除了要對法案擁有勢必通過使 命般的信念,政治協商更是執政者居中應擔負的責任。台灣應建立完善政治協商 機制,終止朝野政治容易陷入政黨惡門的惡性循環,才可有效推動重要制度改革 與創新。
英文摘要 The purpose of this article is to explore the political negotiation in legislative process of Taiwan's national health insurance by examining how the former President Lee Teng-hui negotiates with the main political leaders of the ruling and opposition parties and legislators in their own party and how he adjusts the organization and personality of the administrative sectors and KMT caucus in Legislative Yuan to accelerate the legislative progress of national health insurance. This article is based on North's new institutional economics, connecting belief and institution by means of political negotiation. From the legislative process of national health insurance, we found that when promoting bills, especially those concerning important institutional innovations, the ruler needs to shoulder more responsibility in political negotiation in addition to having a firm belief in the accomplishment of his mission. Taiwan should establish the political negotiation mechanism to terminate the vicious cycle of the partisan hostility that the ruling and opposition parties easily fall into and to effectively promote important institutional reforms and innovations.
起訖頁 075-094
關鍵詞 全民健保政治協商新制度經濟學National Health InsurancePolitical NegotiationNew Institutional Economics
刊名 人文社會科學研究
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
期數 201603 (10:1期)
DOI 10.6284/NPUSTHSSR.2016.10(1)4  複製DOI  DOI申請

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