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The Effects of a Reality Therapy Counselingon on Locus of Control and Self-concept Learning forJunior high school Students with Learning Disabilities
作者 楊靖婷丁原郁
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討現實治療團體對國中學習障礙學生在國中生內外控信念和國中生學業相關自我概念的成效。本研究採用前後測準實驗設計,以台南和高雄地區42 位國中學習障礙學生(實驗組21 位,控制組21 位)為研究對象。實驗組進行每週兩次,每次100 分鐘,連續五週共10次的團體。研究參與者需要接受國中生內外控信念量表和國中生學業相關自我概念量表之前測以及於團體後立即後測,且於團體結束後4週進行追蹤測。然後進行單因子共變數或詹森-內曼分析,以評估實驗處理效果。本研究結果發現:1. 國中學習障礙學生參加現實治療團體諮商後, 能立即提升內控信念(F = 12.927,p < .01)、自己可努力(F = 5.93,p < .05)以及自己可掌控的信念(F = 19.755,p < .001)。2. 國中學習障礙學生參加現實治療團體諮商後,能立即提升整體的學業相關自我概念(F = 4.803,p < .05)。3. 國中學習障礙學生參加現實治療團體諮商結束後,能持續提升學業我的自我概念(F = 4.956,p < .05)。4. 現實治療團體能運用WDEP 的歷 程有助於提升國中學習障礙學生整體的內控信念、學業相關自我概念。綜合以上研究結果,研究者提出對學校輔導工作人員以及未來研究之建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of reality therapy group counseling on locus of control and self-concept of learning for junior high school students with learning disabilities .The research used a quasi-experimental design. Participants were forty-two junior high school students with learning disabilities from Tainan and Kaoshiung. Twenty-one students in the experimental group and twenty-one students were in a control group. The participants in the experimental group attended 5 weekly group counseling sessions for 100 minutes twice a week for a total of10 counseling sessions. Participants in the study completed theLocus of control of junior high school students scale and the Self-concept of learning of junior high school students scalewhich were developed for this study. The surveys were taken at pretest,posttest,and four-week follow-up after the therapy program had ended.A one-way ANCOVA or John-Neymant analysis evaluatedthe effects of experimental treatment. Four significant results were found for those who joined the reality therapy group counseling. First, junior high school students with learning disabilities has an immediate positive effect on the whole locus of control, locus of “I can make effort” and “ I can control.” Second, junior high school students with learning disabilitieshas an immediate positive effect on the whole self-concept of learning. Third, junior high school students with learning disabilities continuously improves theirself-concept of “study-self.” Fourth, reality therapy group counseling can be helpful for improving locus of control and self-concept of learning for junior high school students with learning disabilities through WDEP progress.Based on the results, the applications of this study and directions for future researchwere discussed.
起訖頁 589-607
關鍵詞 內外控信念自我概念現實治療學習障礙locus of controlself-conceptreality therapylearning disabilities
刊名 教育心理學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
期數 201506 (46:4期)
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20140827  複製DOI  DOI申請

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