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The Relations of Self-determination Motivation%2C Goal Orientation%2C and Motivational Engagement for Junior High School Students
作者 張映芬程炳林
中文摘要 自我決定動機和目標導向理論在學習動機領域各有其深厚的理論基礎與豐碩的實徵研究結果。雖然有學者主張二者間有關聯,但目前少有實徵研究探討二者之關係。因此本研究採SEM 方法,抽取台灣地區1305 名國二學生為樣本,分析自我決定動機、目標導向與動機涉入之關係。研究結果顯示:本研究所建構自我決定動機、目標導向與動機涉入之關係模式獲得觀察資料支持;國中生的自主動機正向預測其趨向精熟、逃避精熟、趨向表現目標,負向預測其逃避表現目標;國中生的受抑制動機正向預測其逃避精熟、趨向表現、逃避表現目標,負向預測其趨向精熟目標;國中生的趨向精熟、趨向表現目標正向預測其適應性動機涉入,逃避表現目標負向預測其適應性動機涉入;而國中生的逃避表現目標能正向預測其不適應性動機涉入,趨向表現目標負向預測其不適應性動機涉入。此外,變項關係強度的分析結果大致上支持本研究的各項假設。本研究根據研究結果在理論及實務上的涵義進行討論,並提出未來的建議。
英文摘要 Both self-determination theory and goal orientation theory are based in a sound theoretical foundation and have found wide empirical support. Although some scholars proposed that these two theories are related, few empirical studies have explored the relations between them. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to examine the model on the associations among self-determination motivation, goal orientation, and motivational engagement through a structural equation modeling approach. The participants were 1305 junior high school students. In general, results supported all hypotheses. First of all, autonomous motivation positively predicted approach-mastery, avoidance-mastery, and approach-performance goals, and negatively predicted avoidance-performance goals. Controlled motivation positively predicted avoidance-mastery, approach-performance, and avoidance-performance goals, and negatively predicted approach-mastery goals. Next, approach-mastery and approach-performance goals positively predicted adaptive motivational engagement and approach-performance goals negatively predicted maladaptive motivational engagement. Finally, avoidance-performance goals negatively predicted adaptive motivational engagement and positively predicted maladaptive motivational engagement. Based on the findings in this research, implications for theory, practice and further research were discussed.
起訖頁 541-564
關鍵詞 目標導向自主動機自我決定動機受抑制動機動機涉入autonomous motivationcontrolled motivationgoal orientationmotivational engagementself-determination motivation
刊名 教育心理學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
期數 201506 (46:4期)
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20140825  複製DOI  DOI申請

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