篇名 | 男性性侵害循環的發生機制 |
並列篇名 | An investigation of the causal mechanisms behind the male sexual victim-perpetrator cycle |
作者 | 黃軍義 |
中文摘要 | 男性遭遇性侵害而轉變成性侵害加害人的現象,稱為性侵害循環。綜觀過去探討性侵害循環發生機制的研究,欠缺理論論述,故本研究企圖從理論的觀點,提出影響性侵害循環發生的因子,以補過去研究之不足。本研究提出四項影響性侵害循環發生的因子:知覺性侵害加害者具有正向感受、遭遇性侵害獲得正向感受、形成男性氣概的危機、以及性侵害行為的可觸及性提高。本研究的目的在檢證這四項因子是否為影響性侵害循環發生的因子。同時,過去研究常列舉的家庭因素與遭遇性侵害的經驗史,是否為影響性侵害循環發生的因子亦在本研究檢證之列。本研究以台灣台北與高雄監獄的受刑人472 位,以及桃園與彰化少年輔育院的收容少年395位,共計867位男性犯罪者為研究對象。採取無記名自陳式問卷調查法蒐集資料。研究結果發現:影響少年犯性侵害循環發生的因子為知覺性侵害加害者的正向感受與性侵害行為的可觸及性;在成年犯部分沒有一項因子對性侵害循環的影響達於顯著;在合併樣本方面,排除犯罪身份與由誰扶養的影響後,性侵害行為的可觸及性對性侵害循環具有顯著影響,喪失男子氣概之感的影響瀕於顯著。文末就研究結果的意涵、實務應用、及研究限制與未來研究方向進行討論。 |
英文摘要 | The phenomenon of male sexual victims becoming sexual perpetrators is called the sexual victim-perpetrator cycle. Reviewing past research investigating the causal mechanisms behind the sexual victim-perpetrator cycle, it was found that a theoretical proposition is needed to explain how this cycle occurs. This study therefore proposed causal factors behind the sexual victim-perpetrator cycle from a theoretical standpoint to make up for the lack of past research in this area. This study proposed the following four factors linking sexual victimization and sexual offenses: the victim’s perception of the sexual perpetrator’s positive feelings toward the sexual-offending behavior; the victim’s increasing reinforcement from being sexually victimized; the endangerment of the victim’s masculinity; and the increased accessibility of sexual-offending behavior after being sexually victimized. In addition, past research that looked at family factors and a history of sexual victim experiences was examined. Participants included 472 male inmates from Taipei and Kaohsiung prison and 395 male juveniles from Taoyuan and Changhua juvenile reform schools in Taiwan for a total 867 male participants. An anonymous self-report questionnaire was used to collect data. The results of this study showed that the increased tendency towards sexual-offending behavior after being sexually victimized acted as a mediator of sexual victimization and sexual offenses in the juvenile offenders sample. No single factor had a significant effect on the sexual victim-perpetrator cycle in the adult offenders sample. The increased accessibility of sexual-offending behavior after being sexually victimized had a significant effect, and the endangerment of the victim’s masculinity had a marginally significant effect on the sexual victimization and sexual offense link in the sample of juvenile and adult offenders. Finally, the implications, applications, and limitations of this study, and directions for future research were addressed. |
起訖頁 | 471-489 |
關鍵詞 | 男性遭遇性侵害、性犯罪、性侵害循環、male sexual victimization、sexual offense、sexual victim-perpetrator cycle |
刊名 | 教育心理學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 |
期數 | 201506 (46:4期) |
DOI | 10.6251/BEP.20140709 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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