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Gifted Mathematical Concepts: An Examination of Student and Curriculum Factors
作者 王昭傑
中文摘要 本文旨在由資優學生的特質出發,探究數學資優生在數學學習上的需求及數學課程的特點,並以之建構資優數學的樣貌。根據研究發現,資優數學在學生特質需求及課程的互動考量下,應包含「認知」、「情意」與「技能」向度。而資優數學之特色為:強調系統性結構、認知差異,採充實與加速並重的區分數學;能引發數學創造力、堅持及挑戰的非例行性高層次思考數學;以及符合資優生知識概念重整、推理歸納需求的跨概念佈題數學。
英文摘要 This article begins with a literature on characteristics of gifted students in general, explores the learning needs in mathematics of gifted students and mathematics curriculum features, and looks at the construction of gifted mathematical concept. Researches has indicated that gifted mathematical concept should consist of "cognitive", affection", and "skills" capacities based on the considerations of learning traits of gifted students and course interaction. Characteristics of gifted mathematics may include: emphasis of the systematic system, individual differences in cognition, enriched and accelerated differentiated mathematical curriculum, awareness of creativity in mathematics, insistence on challengeable non-routine high-order thinking skills in mathematics, corresponding relation to the theory of knowledge restructuring for the gifted, and inductive reasoning inter-concept proposition mathematics.
起訖頁 023-032
關鍵詞 資優教育資優數學數學資優生gifted educationgifted mathematicsmathematically gifted student
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
期數 201306 (127期)
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.2013.127.23-32  複製DOI  DOI申請

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