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Implementing Differentiated Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students
作者 郭靜姿
中文摘要 在常態編班及融合教育的安置型態下,教師普遍面臨到班級中學生能力殊異,教學無法兼顧不同學生需求的困境。然而當政府大力倡導融合教育之際,學校未能做好區分性教學,融合教育實淪為空談,十二年國教核心的「適性揚才」的教育目標更無以達成。是以,本文擬由「適性教學」的觀點出發,說明區分性教學的意義,並分由:一、區分性課程設計的實施歷程,二、資優學生的區分性教學,三、調整教學的原則,四、如何在普通班中實施區分性教學?五、區分性教學如何輕鬆起步?以及六、適合資優學生的區分性教學策略,提供教學現場可行的做法,盼能有助於教師落實區分性教學。
英文摘要 The educational policy of regular class placement and ideal practice for inclusive education are becoming one of the challenges for teachers in Taiwan today. These challenges include: teaching in a mixed-level classroom and being limited or unable to take into account or meet the diverse learning needs of every student. Based on the viewpoint of “adaptive instruction”, this paper introduced the ways to implement differentiated teaching from the following six dimensions. 1. Process of differentiated curriculum design, 2. How to implement differentiated instruction for gifted students, 3. Principles of modifying teaching for special needs, 4. What are the ways to implement differentiated instruction in regular classroom? 5. How can easily start differentiated instruction? and 6. Some useful differentiated teaching strategies for gifted and talented students.
起訖頁 001-011
關鍵詞 資賦優異區分性教學gifted and talenteddifferential education
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
期數 201306 (127期)
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.2013.127.01-11  複製DOI  DOI申請

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