篇名 | 高職資源班特殊教育統整課程「農牧Special Show」發展學校本位特色之示例 |
並列篇名 | The Example of Integrated Curriculum to Develop School-Based Characteristic for Special Education in Vocational High School Resource Class |
作者 | 陳勇祥 |
中文摘要 | 教育部新修訂「特殊教育課程綱要」頒布,高職資源班特殊教育課程面臨新的挑戰。因此,須改變目前課程型態以因應新「特殊教育課程綱要」的規劃。本文以「農牧Special Show」為主題,結合畜產及園藝學程專業科目,發展具有學校本位特色的特殊教育課程。本課程之目的是為了延伸學生自我與同儕及社區的關係,作為發展人際互動的基礎。實施過程發現大多數學生能利用學科領域所學知識,去解決生活中的問題,也發現學習的樂趣與保持高度學習動機,並有助凝聚班級情感與改善同儕關係,幫助身心障礙學生於班級適應良好,落實新課綱欲達成與普通教育接軌之理念。 |
英文摘要 | The “Special Education Curriculum Guidelines” is revised by Ministry of Education, so the special education curriculum in vocational high school meets a lot of challenges. Therefore, we must change the type of special education curriculum to respond accordingly to the “Special Education Curriculum Guidelines”. The program integrates some subjects of “Animal Husbandry” and “Horticulture” to develop school-based characteristic for special education curriculum in vocational high school. The course program is based on the extension of self and peer and community relationships which are the basis for the development of interpersonal interaction. The implementation process found that most students can take advantage of the knowledge disciplines to solve the problems of life and maintain a high motivation to learn, which helps unite the class feelings and improve peer relationships. |
起訖頁 | 027-034 |
關鍵詞 | 資源班、統整課程、學校本位特色、resource class、integrated curriculum、school-based characteristic |
刊名 | 特殊教育季刊 |
出版單位 | 中華民國特殊教育學會 |
期數 | 201403 (130期) |
DOI | 10.6217/SEQ.2014.130.27-34 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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