篇名 | 我國大專院校資訊科系之資訊倫理相關課程開設現況研究 |
並列篇名 | Ethics Curricula of the Information Science Departments in Taiwanese Universities and Colleges |
作者 | 林建宏、周倩 |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解國內大專院校資訊科系教授資訊倫理相關課程之實施情形,本研究透過內容分析法進行研究。結果發現,在99 至100 學年度,國內199 個大專院校資訊科系中,有74 個科系開設資訊倫理相關課程,共計78 門課;另根據蒐集之72 份課程綱要分析授課內容,結果顯示,課程主題多包含資訊法律、資訊社會發展、資訊倫理概論與資訊隱私等;授課方式有七成以講授方式為主。本研究進一步檢視7 門資訊專業倫理課程之授課內容,發現課程主題多以探討倫理學為主,其次為對專業技術、對客戶與同業之責任,然而,未屬於資訊專業倫理範疇之教學內容亦為數甚多,因此,本研究亦於文末提出未來資訊倫理相關課程授課內容與方式之建議。 |
英文摘要 | With the advent of modern technology, the ability to access information in our daily lives has increased exponentially. In these circumstances, the role of information professional has become increasingly critical. For Computer Information Science (CIS) majors, the information professionals of the future, the need of understanding information ethics is crucial; an investigation of the ethics curricula offered in Taiwanese higher education is necessary. To investigate the ethics-related curricula offered by the information departments of Taiwanese universities, this study applied content analysis to categorize the included topics. The results indicated that of the 199 departments investigated, 74 departments offered a total of 78 courses related to information ethics in school years 2010-2012. Most of the topics covered in the curricula were information laws or regulations, the development of an information society, general information ethics, and information privacy; in addition, the most commonly used teaching method in such classes is lecturing. Among the courses investigated, seven courses were named “professional information ethics” or worded similarly; their syllabi in particular were examined. The results indicated that moral philosophy (ethics) is commonly covered in these courses, and that a variety of topics not typically included in the theoretical aspects of professional information ethics are also taught. |
起訖頁 | 197-228 |
關鍵詞 | 大專院校資訊科系、倫理相關課程、資訊倫理、資訊專業倫理、information departments in higher education、ethics-related courses、information ethics、professional information ethics |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201403 (59:1期) |
DOI | 10.6209/JORIES.2014.59(1).07 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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