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On the Administrative Court’s Motion for Constitutional Review of Statutes in Preliminary Relief Proceedings
作者 謝碩駿
中文摘要 行政法院在暫時權利保護審查程序中,若認為行政行為之法律依據違憲,是否應裁定停止訴訟程序,向司法院大法官聲請法規範憲法審查?本文之主旨,即在探討此一憲法訴訟與行政訴訟交錯領域之難題。本文「壹」以臺北高等行政法院的數則裁定為例,揭示本文之問題意識。接著,本文「貳」從憲法、司法院釋字第371號解釋以及憲法訴訟法之規定出發,說明司法院大法官乃是法律廢棄權之獨占者。其次,本文「參」指出,行政法院透過暫時權利保護程序,實現有效權利保護之憲法誡命。本文「肆」則分析行政法院在暫時權利保護程序中,若合理確信或懷疑行政行為之法律依據違憲,將陷入如何之兩難困境。針對行政法院面臨之兩難困境,本文「伍」提出解決之建議。最後,本文將研究心得總結於「陸」。依本文之研究結論,行政法院於暫時權利保護程序,若合理確信行政行為之法律依據違憲,除非該法律在本案程序並無適用之可能性,或是屬於依行政訴訟法第116條第3項聲請之案件,否則應裁定准許暫時權利保護之聲請。同時,此等對於「法官應受法律拘束」之偏離,必須在本案程序透過向司法院大法官聲請法規範憲法審查予以導正。
英文摘要 If an administrative court concludes that the legal basis of administrative actions is unconstitutional in preliminary relief proceedings, should it suspend the proceedings and ask the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan to review the constitutionality of statutes? The major purpose of the present study is to explore this difficult question in the overlapping area between constitutional and administrative litigation. The first part of this article reveals the problematic through several rulings of the Taipei High Administrative Court. The second part of this article explains that the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan monopolizes the rejection competence for statutes according to the Constitution, the interpretation of the Judicial Interpretation No. 371 and the Constitutional Court Procedure Act. As observed in the third part of this article, administrative courts can fulfill the constitutional requirements for the effective judicial protection through preliminary relief proceedings. The fourth part of this paper analyzes two dilemmas that administrative courts will fall into if they strongly believe on reasonable grounds or suspect that the legal basis of administrative actions is unconstitutional in preliminary relief proceedings. Regarding the dilemmas encountered by administrative courts, the fifth part of this article proposes solutions. Finally, results of this research are summarized in the sixth part. In conclusion, if an administrative court is reasonably convinced that the legal basis of the administrative action is unconstitutional in preliminary relief proceedings, it should suspend the proceedings and ask the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan to review the constitutionality of statutes. There are two exceptions: the statute is inapplicable in the principal proceedings, or the case is based on Paragraph 3 of Article 116 of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure. The deviation from the principle “judges shall be bound by law” must be corrected by the petition to the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan for the constitutional review of legislation in the principal proceedings.
起訖頁 335-410
關鍵詞 憲法訴訟憲法訴訟法行政訴訟行政訴訟法司法院大法官行正法院暫時權利保護有效權利保護constitutional litigationConstitutional Court Procedure Actadministrative litigationCode of Administrative Court Procedurethe Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuanadministrative courtspreliminary reliefeffective judicial protection
刊名 國立臺灣大學法學論叢
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 202206 (51:2期)
DOI 10.6199/NTULJ.202206_51(2).0002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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